Friday, July 27, 2018

Hong Kong House and Wild Cows

We settle in somewhat and lay low for a while, exploring the nearby streets. One such street featured a humdrum looking Chinese restaurant and take away, the sort that has long appealed to me. It was called the 'Hong Kong House'. The menu listed 28 'Chef's Specials', including the 'potato braised beef brisket', an item not commonly featured on Chinese menus where we come from. 

The neighbouring restaurant, 'Paolo Gianni', seems to have closed down. Or it is being renovated, hence the scaffolding. I haven't worked it out yet. 

The sun was hot.

That evening we walked to the meadows and saw cows. Wild cows.

The next morning I visited a local farmers market where I bought a bunch of carrots, one of which looked like legs and a bum.

Some cheeky prankster made a happy face on a power box.

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